Introducing the NEW 2.8L size – it’s the perfect size for most home gardens and lawns. If you’re looking for the best way to apply liquid or soluble granular fertiliser – you’ve found it. It simply connects between the tap and hose, adding fertiliser as you water. It is strongly recommended to use a vacuum breaker on your tap if connected to your city water supply. They're available on our website.
Forget using watering cans, backpack sprayers and plain old water, join thousands of other Australians and New Zealanders using EZ-FLO to boost the health and look of their lawns, veggie plots and gardens. Fill EZ-FLO with your chosen fertiliser or nutrient, and use every drop of water from your garden hose to deliver the nutrients and fertiliser your plants and lawn need.
Supplied with Australian-specific fittings (USA version may leak here in Australia), it includes all parts plus quick snap-on fittings.
Fill capacity: 2.8 Litres (liquid) or 2.8 kg (water-soluble) approximate. However, your choice to fill with any amount: 500 grams, 1 kg or 2.8 kg, top up with water.
Suggested applications: Domestic gardens and lawns, nursery, greenhouses, green walls, vertical gardens, vegetable plots + more.
Litres of treated water per full refill: 280 on fast ( 100:1) setting– 2,800 Litres on slow (1000:1) setting
Buying as a bundle?
Add: 2.5L of Lawn Envy and top up with water to ensure the entire unit is filled with liquid to create a vacuum. A 10L Lawn Envy will provide 4 x refills.
Dimensions: 30cm Height x 18 cm Diameter
Parts in Kit: 2.8 litre premium PVC tank, mixing cap, 1.5 m feeding tubes, liquid adapter, HDPE/PVC tap adapter complete with quick snap on fittings standard; optional tap fittings to suit 13mm standard hose fitting.
An easy way to apply concentrated fertilisers to your lawn, plants and gardens.
As easy as adding your concentrated liquid fertilisers (together if they are compatible) directly into its cannister, connect to the hose or irrigation system, adjust the setting to the dilution rate/amount of fertiliser to be applied (4 settings from fast to slow that correspond to the recommended application rates on the products) and away you go.
If connecting to a hose, you can hose straight on with your normal hose nozzle or even connect a sprinkler (and timer if you like) and let it do he hard work for you.
Great for small lawn maintenance businesses or larger properties too as you can set and leave, then move to the next area as required, fertilising whilst you’re doing other maintenance.
What is EZ-FLO?
EZ-FLO is the fastest and easiest way to have healthy plants, turf and crops. Comes in a range of sizes to suit a broad range of applications, from residential gardens to commercial golf courses and small crops.
Dispenses a precise amount of concentrated fertiliser every time you water. No matter how small or large your property is you can take advantage of EZ-FLO products to save money, conserve valuable resources, and fertilise more efficiently and quickly.
Getting Started
Start by selecting a water soluble or liquid fertiliser. With EZ-FLO you do not need to pre-mix or dilute your fertiliser ever again. Fill your EZ-FLO tank with your concentrated fertiliser, top up fully with water and select the setting (ratio) on the cap and get ready for automatic fertigation.
Hose and drip models have injection settings of 1:100 (fast), 1:250, 1:400 or 1:1000 (slow).
Main-line models installed into irrigation lines have injection settings of 1:400 (fast), 1:2000, 1:8000 or 1:15000 (slow).
You can use EZ-FLO for microdosing – where small amounts of fertiliser are applied every time you water – by selecting the ‘slow’ setting. At 1:1.000 one litre of concentrate is displaced for every thousand litres of water if using the hose and drip system and 1:15.000 if using the main-line systems.
Microdosing is beneficial as plants can absorb nutrients immediately. This creates a robust root system, generating healthier plants with less water, and it also reduces fertiliser run-off.
How it works
EZ-FLO requires either a hose tap adapter for residential systems or for permanent irrigation a main inline adapter (CBV). These provide a slight pressure drop allowing a small stream of water from the hose or irrigation pipe to enter the EZ-FLO, displace the fertiliser concentrate, then re-introduce it back into the main water stream where it is diluted.
As water enters the tank separation is achieved – heavier concentrate on the bottom and lighter water on the top. EZ-FLO only pulls concentrate from the bottom of the tank; it does not dilute the concentrate.
The result is consistent levels of fertiliser throughout the whole cycle until the fertiliser is depleted and is replaced with water.
EZ-FLO has no moving parts, requires zero maintenance and zero power.
The ease of use sets EZ-FLO apart from competing fertigation technologies – it’s so EZ(y)
What is fertigation?
Healthy plants are not achieved with water alone, they also need nutrients.
As the name implies, fertigation is the process by which fertiliser is applied with irrigation water. Fertiliser + irrigation = fertigation.
Historically, the technique of fertigation was used in commercial agriculture and horticulture. By applying fertiliser through irrigation water, you have superior control over the timing, quantity and concentration of fertiliser applied.
Environmental benefits
Traditional methods of fertilising such as hand or machine broadcasting of granular fertiliser and mechanical or hand spraying of liquid fertiliser have multiple disadvantages, including; uneven distribution, inefficient use of fertiliser resulting in wastage and run off, time-consuming application processes and a high price tag.
Fertigation optimises yield and minimises environmental pollution by reducing fertiliser consumption and maximising fertiliser efficiency.
Fertilise each time you water
Fertigation can be easily achieved with EZ-FLO microdosing technology, which applies a small dose of fertiliser every time you irrigate.
With nine US patents and two international patents, EZ-FLO microdosing technology proportions fertiliser into the irrigation water stream at very low parts per million (PPM) ratios. This technology has the ability to solubilise highly concentrated, water-soluble or liquid fertilisers and accurately proportion them into the irrigation water stream at variable rates.
EZ-FLO makes fertigation, the most effective and least expensive method of delivering nutrients to plants, accessible for both commercial and residential applications.
Microdosing with EZ-FLO
Benefits of microdosing fertigation
Microdosing fertiliser application is more effective and consistent. Fertiliser is not only applied wherever the water goes but every time you irrigate.
You have designed your irrigation for efficient cover, so with microdosing fertilisers are applied at the root, not in the gutter. This means less wastage through run off.
Because you are applying small amounts of dissolved fertiliser, there is not large quantities of solid fertiliser in contact with the air hence evaporation of fertiliser, especially nitrogen, is virtually eliminated.
Research indicates microdosing can reduce fertiliser consumption by up to 60%.
Spoon feeding
Because you are spoon feeding your plants with microdosing, nutrients are immediately available to them. About 90-95% of microdosed fertiliser is absorbed by the plant roots and leaves.
Microdosing eliminates the feast and famine cycle of conventional fertilising methods thus improving plant health because your plants never want for a feed. This helps make plants less susceptible to insects and disease because they attack weak plants.
Improved root development from microdosing saves water, it gives plants with a healthier root structure which is more drought resistant because it is more efficient at absorbing water. Some research estimates up to a 50% reduction in water requirements.
Reduce your water
When you introduce microdosing, we recommend you immediately reduce your water by 10% for the first fertiliser cycle. Cut back by another 10% for the second cycle and 5% for the third. Continue reducing each cycle by 5% until you find the right balance for your plants based on the products you are using and your soil type.
Microdosing saves time and money by eliminating the prolonged manual application process. It also reduces soil compaction because it eliminates the need for any heavy machinery.
EZ-FLO Advantage
What makes EZ-FLO stand out from the competition?
The simplicity is on our list; it’s not called EZ-FLO (pronounced ‘easy flow’) for nothing. But having said this is the number one advantage, we have probably done EZ-FLO an injustice because there are so many advantages.
Fewer product limitations
EZ-FLO is filled with concentrated liquid or water-soluble products, so pre-mixing is unnecessary. As a result, EZ-FLO offers at least a 10X reduction in the tank capacity required compared to other systems.
EZ-FLO is suitable for a large range of products, not just fertiliser. It can dispense any water-soluble product with a specific gravity greater than that of water including soil amendments, wetting agents, acid, pre-emergent herbicides, growth regulators and insect control. The applications are only limited by your imagination!
Unique product
EZ-FLO is unlike other differential pressure systems because it uses dynamic suspension and proprietary fluid flow technology. This patented technology ensures the incoming water displaces the fertiliser but does not dilute it in the tank. The concentration of fertiliser output is constant over the whole cycle.
EZ-FLO offers accurate proportioning of fertiliser and automatically adjusts to different pressure and flow for multi-zone irrigation. It is a true ‘Set and Forget’ product. Applicable operating ranges are 30-800 kPa pressure and irrigation flows from 0.3 Litres per minute to 23m3 per minute. Microdosing from 1:75 to 1: 1.5 million is possible.
There are no moving parts in the EZ-FLO and it does not require electricity to run making it maintenance free. We have no need of complicated computers to make it work.
EZ-FLO can operate from a tap for smaller units through to irrigation mainline or lateral.
Additional features
There is a wide range of sizing in EZ-FLO systems so you can select a product based on your irrigation cycle or how often you wish to refill the unit.
EZ-FLO never runs dry. The fertiliser is displaced with water so at the end of the cycle, the EZ-FLO is full of water. It can just sit there with no detrimental effect until you are ready to fill the unit.
EZ-FLO is a proven world leader in injection equipment for the horticultural industry with a 25-year history of quality and reliability which has set us apart from many competing technologies.
How to connect this to my irrigation system? And does having a pressure pump make any difference?
What is the max pressure and flow rates?
Answer: The units you have (1010-HB) are our hose and tap systems, they are designed to fit onto a tap and used with a hose or can be plumbed to a drip system or small sprayer from the tap. The adapter supplied only works with general house hose flow rates. They can operate to approx. 80 to 90 psi.
The same units can also be adapted to fit to irrigation systems and are marketed as the EZFLO1 series. They are supplied with heavy duty shut off 6mm valves and either a 20mm or 25mm CBV. CBV being the item that connects the persons irrigation mains to the EZFLO tank and is fitted to persons irrigation line. For the rest it is the same operation but with lower injection ratios. Slow injection being 15000:1 as opposed to slow on the hose system being 1000:1. Ratio in respect to EZFLO injection is on slow meaning 15000 litres of water being applied to your garden will use up 1 litre of fert.
Either a pump or mains water can be used, makes no difference, flow rate is what makes it work NOT pressure.
Is it law to (or is it essential) to have a backflow valve? Do you sell these?
Can there be backflow issues if using without a backflow device? Will this be prevented if disconnecting after use?
Answer: Any person injecting something other than water into a town supplied mains is required to comply to local plumbing regulations and generally if the connection is fixed requires a RPZ (Reduced Pressure Zone backflow preventer valves), these need to be fitted by a plumber. If the connection is not fixed like on a tap a simple vacuum breaker at $15.00 is all that needs to be fitted.
As we are an aspirating device, meaning fertiliser is only injected if water flow is present no back flow is possible using EZFLO, however that does not satisfy the plumbing regulations as you are adding substances other than water.
Duty of care dictates we highlight this in our literature and manuals.
As we are adding substances that are conducive to plant growth, and with your mostly organic products, I personally feel there is no danger whatsoever. WE do not inject harsh chemicals. Again, follow local regulations.
Is there a way to connect it (EZFLO 1010-HB) to a bore system?
Is the basic system (EZFLO 1010-HB) the best for this type of use or is there another better system?
Answer: For the average home gardener our EZFLO1 is suitable, it is only when the yard is bigger and the person only wants to refill less often that you go up in the range, say the EZ001CX our baby mainline unit with 5.7 litre capacity instead of 3.2 litre for the EZFLO1.
AND if you are a sports field you go to our HCV112 a model that contains 112 litres of fertiliser. And works the same.
The product range all works the same.
Just that the pipe sizes where say you want to inject into an 80mm mains at a sports field or a 20mm mains (CBV075) at your place.
So, you could have a 112 litre model at your place and have a 20mm adapter instead of having an EZFLO1 with 20mm adapter. Difference: you refill an EZFLO1 every week or so and the 112 litre unit every 2nd year.
We sell 16 different tank sizes to suit the size of the property refill frequency and sell 8 different size adapters to suit the persons irrigation mains size, they all work the same and are designed for any irrigation system and property size.
Contact Plant Doctor with your exact specifications of current system including fittings etc. and the area you’re looking to cover, and we can recommend the best unit and components to do the job.
Question: Is the EZFLO just an overpriced venturi?
Answer: No, we are not a venturi!
We are a differential dynamic suspension system, the only type in the world and operate under 9 patents.
A venturi is a device that sucks a pre-made solution out of a bucket, drum etc. it has to have a high pressure to suck and also loses a lot of pressure in the process. It is cheap and ideal for a one-off application of a small amount. It requires fiddling and a bit of prep to get the right amount into the stream of water. It sells well because it is cheap and sells well because people may not be aware of our major advantages over a venturi device.
Our hose and drip system is self-contained and can operate at tap pressures from 5 to 80 psi. It can also operate from 2 litres per minute to 30 litres per minute with only minor pressure losses to the system.
However, our system really shines with the fact that instead of making a solution you just fill it with concentrated fertiliser. Our small unit will hold 4kg of powdered fertiliser or 3.2 litre of concentrated liquid.
To adjust the amount of fertiliser you want to inject, you just turn the knob on the cap. No fiddle!
Our small 1010hb when filled with 4kg is equivalent to approx. 200 x watering cans, 60 x end of hose units and if you dissolved 250 grams in each bucket for venturi operation to 16 venturi fill/empty cycles.
All without the fiddle, time wasting and more fiddle.
Accurate sustainable fertilising.
Fill the tank, click on to tap, turn on the hose and walk the hose (or connect to a sprinkler), text your friends whilst doing it, simple. Suck on a beer or coffee.
We compare our system to somebody using scissors to do their lawn (venturi, watering can, spray pack etc.) instead of using a cylinder mower (EZFLO), they do the same thing, but one takes a lot more time, may be uneven and the EZFLO produces a consistent quality product, all the time.
Help other Plant Doctor Pty Ltd users shop smarter by writing reviews for products you have purchased.
First time owning lawn. Gave the team at plant doctor a ring and they supplied me with a wealth of information. Products turned up quickly.
Will definitely be getting more 8 weeks difference been using stimulizer, activ8mate, soil wetter, seaweed secrets and champion fertiliser. Was super fast delivery.
Only have great things to say about Plant Doctor. Organic products and a competitive price, fast shipping and easy to contact with questions. Have had great results with the special mix for lawns, and my plants (indoor and outdoor) love the seaweed secrets. I am excited to test out some of the animal products soon!